Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cousin Reunion

My Aunt and her siblings had a great idea to get the cousins together, because not all of us see each other very much. We went camping in grandpa Farrells back yard (KOJ) for the weekend. On Saturday the big boys went fishing, leaving us girls to attend to the children and their entertainment.

We went hiking to some place I had never been before, but all of the cousins said they had been and camped there( I cant remember its name, but grandma use to like to go there and build a fire and roast marshmallows). It had rained the night before and I didn't know that was what we were going to do, so most of us hiked in flip flops. After we got to the spot we found out that we could have walked on the road to get there so we walked on the road to get back to chads house. Aunt lu had a wise idea and brought pixie sticks for all the kids (have a little sugar).
(Megan, Brooke and Sadie Campbell, Don't they look just like there mom!)
My mom decided that we should see who could win in leg wrestling.

(Grandma Dawn against Peyton and Owen)
After all this fun we decided to go feed them lunch and then we would come back for water fun.
Owen Jenkins slip-n-slide
Tanner wasn't to sure, and I can say he didn't go again.
I had a smart idea that i would buy water balloons and fill them up and they could have a water balloon fight. Don't buy balloons that say water balloons and come with a nozzle, the nozzle doesn't fit on the hose and the balloons were week. I lost this battle because as fast as i could fill them up the would throw them at me.
After all this fun, we went to the KOJ and Chad cook dinner.

Owen is only 8, and he ate the whole thing.
After dinner Grandma Dawn gave the kids marshmallow guns and boy were they fun.
Tinlie, Tanner, and Hunter (I think they ate as many as they shot).

This is Farrell Jenkins,
and this is half of his family. We had a good time and maybe next year the whole family can come camping to the KOJ.

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