Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day!

A new Tinlie hair do.

Dove hunting opened yesterday, and so Tony and Peyton went and to a try at shooting some birds. I'll I had to say is "don't plan on me cooking those things!" I asked Tony if they took pictures while there were out there and the answer was no so the only picture I got was the after affect of the gun and the arm.

Tony didn't want a picture of his head, just the arm, but he don't blog so he won't know. While the boys were hunting I got to play make-up with Tinlie. Little girls make-up is so yucky!!!! After she finished with me, then she said now mom its your turn to put make-up on me. So I did. Then she wanted a picture of both of us looking beautiful.

After the picture, then we had to go show grandma. What would we do if we didn't have entertainment. You have to love your kid, no matter what they make you look like or do.


Lettie said...

You're becoming an expert at hair-dos. Who would have though?

Brian and Jennifer said...

Cutie patootie hair!! Tony--nice battle wound. And love the make-up. I'll have to have Tinlie do mine when I'm there.