Friday, October 24, 2008

Lost 1st tooth!

My daughter has an issue with opening things with her teeth. If you remember back in the day, when crazy 8 cards came in a hard plastic case, she got some cards in a hard plastic case and instead of asking for help, she tried to open it with her teeth. Needless to say, she knocked her bottom two teeth loose. The first one has finally fallin out. Not sure about the second one. It might take awhile we could hope. She's going to walk around for the next couple of years with no bottom teeth, because they were not even ready to come out.

Clean face, just ate dinner and she get her food everywhere still.
My husband calls her his gypsy!

She wanted somebody to play with her and I'm a little under the weather, and no body else wants to do makeup or hair so she dressed her self up.Isn't she cute.


Marci said...

she look so much like you!

J and D said...

She's so adorable! So.... how much did the tooth fairy leave for her? LOL