Friday, November 28, 2008

another cute hair do!

This hair do was easy and fun and she loved it.

This is not a hair do, but if you twist the hair and put it in buns and have them sleep in it and hope it doesn't come out, it will make their hair wavy and very cute.

Don't have a picture of the final result, but next time I do it I will post it.

1 comment:

The Cardon's said...

So cute!! You are so creative! I would love to have a little girl to do her hair and dress her up. And Tinlie makes such a great model! One time when I lived in Cedar city I went to work and had a bunch of those little knots all over my head. This kid I worked with said- "hey sally- ask me if I like your shirt?" "Ty do you like my shirt" "whatever takes the attention away from your head!" I've never forgotten that- luckily we were friends and I didn't let it bother me I still did it on random days. Love the blog!